Getting started

To use the SDK the first thing to do is import the Mkm class and the API map:

from mkmsdk.mkm import Mkm
from mkmsdk.api_map import _API_MAP

Create a new instance:

# Using API v1.1
mkm = Mkm(_API_MAP["1.1"]["api"], _API_MAP["1.1"]["api_root"])
# Using API v2.0
mkm = Mkm(_API_MAP["2.0"]["api"], _API_MAP["2.0"]["api_root"])

If you want to test on Magic Card Market's sandbox you must use the sandbox root endpoint:

mkm_sandbox = Mkm(_API_MAP["2.0"]["api"], _API_MAP["2.0"]["api_sandbox_root"])

Now you're ready to send requests.

For example to obtain informations about the authenticated account you can make a request like this:

response = mkm.account_management.account()

This will return a Response object that contains the response from the server.

If you want get the content of the response you call the json method on the response object:


{'account': {'name': {'firstName': 'Luke' 'lastName': 'Skywalker'},
  'country': 'DE',
  'isCommercial': 0,
  'riskGroup': 1,
  'bankRecharge': 0,
  'idUser': 123456,
  'sellCount': 0,
  'paypalRecharge': 0,
  'shipsFast': 0,
  'unreadMessages': 0,
  'username': 'SkyWalker',
  'onVacation': False,
  'reputation': 0,
  'articlesInShoppingCart': 0,
  'address': {'name': 'Luke Skywalker',
   'extra': '',
   'country': 'DE',
   'zip': '12345',
   'street': 'Tatooine',
   'city': 'Tatooine'},
  'idDisplayLanguage': 5,
  'accountBalance': 0}}

Similarly to obtain informations about a specific user you can make a request like this:

response = mkm.market_place.user(user='SampleUser')

This would format the url{user} into and send a request.

Data can be posted directly as an XML string or formatted in a way that the XMLSerializer can parse it to correctly generate an XML string.

For example this:

  data = {
    'action': 'add',
    'article': [
      {'idArticle': 666, 'amount': 2},
      {'idArticle': 101, 'amount': 5}

serializes to:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

It's important that dictionaries are always inside a list or they won't be serialized correctly, so if you have only one article to serialize you format it like this:

data = {
  'article': [
    {'idArticle': 101, 'amount': 10}

This is the same format used by Magic Card Market's backend for their JSON responses.

That data can be sent over with your request by passing it as an argument:


Some requests have also custom parameters that must be passed as argument to send the request successfully.

mkm.account_management.vacation(params={"onVacation": "false"})

This call will be formatted as such